Warm Bowls Make for Warm Souls
Some say that chicken soup is “Jewish penicillin.” The dedicated volunteers at Milwaukee Empty Bowls might say that chicken soup—as well as tomato bisque, corn chowder, chili con carne and dozens more—is social action in a bowl.
Milwaukee Empty Bowls is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that uses art to heighten hunger awareness and raise funds that help food pantries and meal programs in Milwaukee. Each October, the organization holds an annual fundraiser, where the public can purchase a beautiful bowl made by artists, teachers and students, and then sample soups from nearly three dozen local restaurants—accompanied by breads donated by local bakeries. Guests take their bowls home to serve as a reminder that there are always empty bowls in our community. Milwaukee Empty Bowls has been carrying on this mission since 1999.
In 2018, the Jewish Community Pantry was among six fortunate recipients sharing the proceeds of the Milwaukee Empty Bowls event. We also had the opportunity to be present at the event—held on Sunday, October 14, 2018—to share our Pantry stories with the attendees.
Thanks to the support of Milwaukee Empty Bowls, the Jewish Community Pantry is building organizational capacity to serve clients and volunteers better. We are launching a digital volunteer management system so volunteers can submit schedule preferences and self-schedule their shifts from their phones or home computers. New tablets at the Pantry enable volunteers to check in and out of their shifts. The digital volunteer management system will make volunteering at our Pantry easier, freeing up valuable time for Pantry staff, who can use this extra time to build volunteer capacity with Milwaukee universities, community groups, and individuals.
The Pantry is also using funds from Milwaukee Empty Bowls to purchase a dual-sided card printer for client ID cards and wall-mounted flat screen televisions for educational videos in our waiting areas. These items will enhance the client experience and support our visitors who hope to eat a healthier diet, with videos introducing information on healthy foods, simple food preparation techniques, and affordable healthy recipes.
For more stories of impact read our complete 2018 Community Impact Report.