The play structure in the Guten Family Discovery Center is temporarily closed.


Jewish Community Pantry

All Ages 2900 W Center Street (Entrance on 29th Street)
The Jewish Community Pantry provides emergency food to individuals and families in crisis throughout the greater Milwaukee community.
The man is wearing a blue t-shirt.

It’s our goal to close the Jewish Community Pantry. But we’ll only do that when there’s no more hunger.

The Jewish Community Pantry provides emergency food to individuals and families in crisis throughout the greater Milwaukee community. Connecting guests to community resources, while increasing our community’s awareness of hunger’s impact and working to alleviate its impact, the Pantry is our Jewish communal response to hunger in Milwaukee.

Guests are served on a first-come, first-served basis. Identification is required for all visits. The pantry maintains a general food section, an infant section, and a kosher section. We serve families in Milwaukee zip codes 53210 and 53216, and anyone else experiencing a food emergency.

Tuesdays | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Thursdays | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Program Benefits

The Jewish Community Pantry reflects the JCC’s organizational commitment to the Jewish values of:

  • Tzedakah (justice)
  • Tikkun Olam (repairing the world)
  • Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Bazeh (all are responsible for one another)
  • Kavod (respect) for all our guests

30-40 trained volunteers work during open hours alongside a handful of pantry staff.

Pantry volunteers help pack bags of food, interview guests, stock shelves, and assist with our guest-choice food allocation process.

Individual, group, and corporate volunteers are invited to sign-up once or create a schedule that works for them. All volunteers are required to complete a background check.

Contact Laura Slatky-Verkuilen, Pantry Coordinator, to volunteer.

The Jewish Community Pantry is supported by the Emergency Pantry Network of the Hunger Task Force, a provider of free and local food.

Not only does the Pantry feed those who are hungry with 3-5 days’ worth of food, but we also collaborate with community partners to combat factors that contribute to poverty and food insecurity.

  • Milwaukee Diaper Mission
  • Metcalfe Park Community Bridges
  • Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin
  • Feeding America

Would your organization like to partner with us to serve the community? Contact Heidi Gould, Pantry Director.

accepting donations

You can find collection bins at both the north and west entrances of the JCC which accept items for the Jewish Community Pantry:

  • New and gently used clothing (no rips or stains)
  • Non-perishable food (primary needs: canned fruit, jelly, healthy cereals, flour, cooking oil, spices, coffee, and tea)
  • Paper grocery bags
  • Red Sendik’s bags
  • Household items
  • Period products

Financial donations can be made at the link below or mailed to:
6255 N Santa Monica Blvd, Milwaukee, WI 53217

questions about the pantry?